Promotion of interests and student representatives

Killan hallitus

According to Indecs’ statutes, the guild’s mission is to

“… to unite students and those interested in the study of production economics at the University of Tampere, to promote their general and common interests related to their studies at the University of Tampere, to promote and develop the study of production economics…”.

As with other Guild tasks, the Guild’s lobbying is carried out by the Guild’s sitting Board of Directors. This is reflected, for example, in the agendas of board meetings, in meetings with the unit and faculty management, and in participation in various student union sections. In the internal division of labour within the Board, the Student Representative and the Presidency are responsible for education policy lobbying. If you want to take your cause forward in the name of the guild and with its resources, this is your avenue of influence. You can contact the Student Representative at

Student representatives of the administration aka hallopeds

Hallopeds are representatives elected by the student union or guild governments to various university governing bodies. They are full members of their institutions and play a key role in shaping the future of study and research at the university. You can find Indecs hallopeds in everything from degree programme-specific decision-making to faculty-wide decision-making!

The Universities Act requires all groups in the university community to participate in university decision-making. This includes students, from among whom representatives are elected to the various university governance structures. The governance structures are the decision-making and preparatory bodies of the faculties, as well as the Consistory, which exercises the highest academic authority in the school, and its preparatory body, the Board of Studies. The governors are usually in contact with the education policy sector of the TREY and can answer a fairly wide range of education policy questions, so they are your channel of influence when you want to take your case forward through the TREY.

You can also find photos of the hallopeds on the board in the board presentation!

There is a six-monthly call for applications for administrators to fill vacancies and a larger call when terms of office expire. The Halloped position does not require any prior knowledge or a specific year of study, but rather a genuine interest in advocacy work. For more information about hallopeds, ask your current halloped, your guild student advisor or take a look at the TREY website. Hallopeds receive Indecs team member benefits, credits and, for some halloped positions, monetary compensation.

The main bodies responsible for planning degrees and unit teaching are the degree and unit teaching planning groups, education steering groups and faculty councils. The marching order of business is mainly that the Faculty Councils make the formal decisions on matters prepared by the planning and steering groups. The coordination of the Indecs Hallopeds is primarily the responsibility of the Guild’s student representative. In addition, the Guild Council is responsible for the recruitment of Hallopeds for the preparatory bodies. Descriptions of these groups can be found below.

Education Development Group (OPKE)
Education Development Group is the lowest threshold to influence the methods, content and organisation of teaching in the production economy. The Teaching Development Group is not an institution required by the university administration, but a tried and tested forum for concrete development work in the production economy.

The teaching development team is automatically made up of a study advisor and a study supervisor. In addition to them, the Guild Board selects 3-4 representatives from the membership on the basis of applications. The group meets every six months in a workshop-style event.

Planning group for undergraduate programmes (PTO)
Planning group for undergraduate programmes is a body required by the university administration to prepare proposals primarily for consideration by the Faculty Council. Its most important task is curriculum work in IEM and Information and Knowledge Management (IKM) (including the English-language degree programmes and the Pori unit). In addition, the group deals with many other preparatory tasks assigned to it.

The undergraduate programme planning group is automatically represented by IEM Study Counselor. In addition to him/her, the Guild Board elects one full representative on the basis of applications. The group meets once a month at least ten days before the Faculty Council meeting.

Education steering groups
Education Steering Groups are new bodies established under the University of Tampere’s faculties, which, like the planning group fro undergraduate programmes, prepare proposals for the Faculty Councils. Their tasks include strategic planning and preparation of faculty education, curriculum work at faculty level and addressing development needs at faculty level. In a nutshell, the Education Steering Groups do at faculty level what the PTO does at degree programme level.

Students in Production Economics have one actual representative on the Faculty of Management and Business (MAB) Education Steering Group. The education steering groups meet once every 1-2 months.

Campus Development Group

Campus Development Group primarily influences matters related to campus development within the faculty. The student representatives of the Faculty of Management and Business (MAB) are elected by the Faculty Students’ Association, Johto ry, and their role is to represent the students’ views on campus development.

Other institutions
The Student Union of Tampere is responsible for recruiting hall students to other administrative bodies of the University of Tampere. The descriptions of these institutions and the names of the sitting student representatives can be found on the TREY’s website. Vacant halloped positions can be found here or on the TREY’s website.

Hallopeds from Indecs:

Faculty Council of the Faculty of Management and Business (MAB):
  • Juho Peltomäki
Education steering group (MAB):
  • Juho Peltomäki (academic affairs responsible)
Planning group for technical and economical undergraduate programmes (PTO):
  • Eetu Hietanen
  • Juuso Hietala (IEM study counselor)
IEM Education Development Group (OPKE):
  • Sanna Peltonen
  • Eero Yli-Rahnasto
Campus Development Group (MAB):
  • Riina Saari (Johto ry)

TREY’s Council of Representatives

Do you have an opinion on how your membership fee should be spent? If so, you should contact the representatives. In a student union (of which you are a member), the highest executive power is exercised by the chair of the Council of Representatives, elected for one year, but the highest decision-making power is exercised and guided by the Board of Representatives, elected directly for two years. It is made up of 49 students and their deputies, divided into council groups. For example, the students of IEM and IKM are mainly members of the council group RATTOISA (Students of Civil Engineering, Architecture, Industrial Engineering and Management, and Information and Knowledge Management). The representative body meets for formal meetings on average 6-7 times a year, and also for various more informal occasions such as evening classes or training courses.

The full council members of Indecs, those in brackets are the deputy members:


  • (Leevi Törölä)
  • (Juho Jokinen)
  • (Katja Keitaanranta)
  • (Juhani Koppinen)

You can contact an individual representative face to face or by email (firstname.lastname). Please also note that the Assembly meetings are open to the public, so please feel free to attend. Meetings will be announced on the website of the Student Council.

The members of The Teekkari Council

The association was founded on 5 May 2018 by the guilds of the then Tampere University of Technology and an international club. The Teekkari Council is the supreme body of decision making in the Teekkari Union of Tampere. The Teekkari Council therefore decides on the “big lines” of the Union and directs the association’s activities. Each of the ordinary members (guilds) appoints three representatives and three vice representatives to the Teekkari Council, i.e. the total number of members in Teekkari Council is 42+42.

The council has at least two regular meetings per year. However, usually meetings are held annually three (3) to four (4) times. Council meetings discuss and approve, for example, the association’s action plans and reports, budgets, and financial statements. The Board of Tampere Teekkari Union is also elected each year by the Council. The Council also directs other issues regarding Teekkari Union, for example, association’s major projects, strategy and deciding on honours.

The representatives and vice representatives of Indecs:

  • Katri Kujala
  • Juho Puoliväli
  • Saara Pirinen
  • (Tellu Korhonen)
  • (Elias Räinä)
  • (Antti Myllynen)

Last updated: 7.3.2023
